On this installment of StudioTulsa, we learn about Poetic Justice, an ongoing writing project for incarcerated women at the David L. Moss Criminal Justice Center in Tulsa. This writing-workshop program began about 18 months ago and has been very popular from the outset. Our guest is Ellen Stackable, a high school English and World Studies teacher at the Tulsa School of Arts and Sciences, who directs the program and serves as one of its educators. As Stackable tells us, "Poetic Justice" is also the name of a new book collecting poems that've been written by women in this program -- and proceeds from the sale of the book will help pay for the establishment and management of similar programs in other jails around our community. You can attend a book launch for this special anthology tomorrow night, Thursday the 10th, at Dwelling Spaces (in downtown Tulsa) at 7pm. This event is presented by Book Smart Tulsa.