"[This] book will guide you to understand why metabolism and mitochondria are fundamental to keeping your brain healthy." -- Dr. Ana C. Andreazza, professor of pharmacology and psychiatry at the University of Toronto
"[This] book will guide you to understand why metabolism and mitochondria are fundamental to keeping your brain healthy." -- Dr. Ana C. Andreazza, professor of pharmacology and psychiatry at the University of Toronto
"Dr. Palmer has written a must-read primer for anyone considering understanding and treating mental health. The book will guide you to understand why metabolism and mitochondria are fundamental to keeping your brain healthy." -- Dr. Ana C. Andreazza, professor of pharmacology and psychiatry at the University of Toronto
"In this charming, extraordinary, and riveting guide to nutritional psychiatry, Dr. Naidoo shares her deep personal insights, broad research findings, and profound wisdom. [This book] is destined to be a must-read for anyone who wants to care for themselves and their body." -- Dr. Lynda Gratton, co-author of "The 100-Year Life"
It was one of Dr. Blumenthal's patients who recieved the first-ever CAT Scan in Tulsa, back in 1976.
"Outstanding.... Garcia's book uses rich storytelling and insightful reporting to uncover not only the long history of how autistic people have been mistreated but also how they continue to be ignored.... [This] is exactly the book we need to lead the way in changing the autism conversation. It belongs on the shelf next to 'NeuroTribes' as essential reading on autism and neurodiversity." -- The Washington Post
A book that engagingly and vividly explores the whole experience of -- and the whole scientific/biological process of -- olfaction.
A book that engagingly and vividly explores the whole experience of -- and the whole scientific/biological process of -- olfaction.
"Even if you already 'get' that exercise makes you feel better, [this book] enhances the picture so you can see how the researched details fit together." -- Katy Bowman, author of "Move Your DNA"